Through his international advisory background Jon has a wealth of experience to challenge and support leaders to implement their plans to an operational level.
Corporate, SME and Not-For-Profit clients value his independence and credibility in facilitating the fundamental conversations.
Enabling leaders to experience & foster an exceptional sense of clarity, balance and purpose, releasing energy, driving performance and delivering value for key stakeholders.
We support & challenge you to be your best. Enabling you to explore your imagination and test the boundaries, we help you to build your confidence and effectiveness when you need it most.
Audacious is a team of experienced senior executives, business owners, mentors, consultants and trainers with international track records. We’re all accredited Coaches with a passion for learning & growth.
Progressing from exploration through to decision making and action, we help you tackle challenges & build positive momentum. Change will be tangible and together we’ll track progress at every stage.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
nor the most intelligent,
but the one most responsive to change.”
– Charles Darwin